Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What is serving And Its type Uses Advantage and disadvantage Things To Demystify What Is Serving Survey and Leveling Object of Survey Why should we study Survey?

Ø Survey and Leveling
Ø Object of Survey
Ø Why should we study Survey?
Ø Parts of Surveyor work
Ø Shape of Earth
Ø Primary Division of Survey
Ø Classification of survey
Ø Measurement and Instruments
Ø Chain And Tape
Ø Principle of Survey
Ø Ranging Out Survey Line
Ø Errors in Length due to incorrect Chain

What is Serving
The process of determining by measurement, the  relative positions of points above, on, or beneath   the  earth surface, to produce map or plan (which  shows the feature of the surface) in horizontal or vertical  plane.
      Surveying is the science of measuring and representing natural and artificial features on the ground in a limited area, regarding the earth as flat.

         The art of determining the relative heights or elevation of different points on the surface of the earth.
         Determining the position of points in a vertical plane.
         Surveying and leveling are considered as distinct operations,  however, in a broad sense, the term surveying includes leveling.
  Object OF Survey
         The primary objective of the survey is the preparation of the plan and map of an area.
         The result of the survey in the form of data when plotted and drawn on paper, we get a plan/map.
         If the scale is small it is called Plan.
E.g Plan of a Building  let 1:100
         If the scale is large, it is called Map.
E.g Map of Pakistan let 1:25,000
Why should we study surveying
         You may be required to  perform simple surveying  operations (particularly if  you're employed in  construction company and  Local Gov.), or you will need to discuss your needs with surveyors.
         Every Engineer needs  surveying skills
Parts of Surveyor’s work
         Decision making (selecting  techniques and equipment,  etc.)
         Fieldwork (data acquisition)
         Data processing (calculations to  give locations, areas, volumes,  etc.)
         Mapping (maps, plans, charts)
         Reporting (conclusion of the  task)
Shape of Earth
The earth is Approximately Spheroid

Primary Division of Survey
1. Geodetic Surveying   
2. Plane surveying
1. Geodetic or Trigonometrically Surveying:
      When the radius of curvature of the earth is taken into account.
         Large area and large distances are covered.
         The object of the geodetic survey is to determine precise positions on the surface of the earth.
         Refined Instruments and Methods are used.
         Conducted by Government agencies.
Primary Division of Survey
         Small area and small distances are covered
         The degree of accuracy is comparatively low.
       American survey put 250 km2 for treating survey as Plane, but controlling  factor should be a degree of precision rather than the extent of the area.
Classification of Survey
1. Based upon Nature of field
       Land Survey
       Marine Survey
     Astronomical Survey
2. Based upon Object of Survey
3. Based upon Nature of field
       Land Survey
       Marine Survey
       Astronomical Survey
Based upon Method Employed
4. Based upon Instrument Used
Chain, Theodolite, Compass, Plane Table, Photographic and Aerial Surveys
         Land Survey can be further divided into:
1. Topographical Survey :

         Determine the natural features of a country such as hills, valleys, lakes woods, etc. and also arterial features such as roads, buildings, canals, towns, etc.
2. Cadastral Survey :
         Details such bundles of houses, town, fields and other properties pathways are determined.
-City Survey
-Engineering Survey
       Engineering Survey can be further divided into:
Measurements & Instrumentation
What is measured?
      Two kinds of measurements used in plane surveying.
      In Surveying all measurements are horizontal,  can be inclined, reduce to horizontal and vertical components in plotting.
      Distance between 2 points on a plan or map is  always horizontal distance irrespective of their  elevation,(distance between their projection on a horizontal plane).
      Horizontal distance
         Distance between two points in a horizontal  plane
      Vertical Distance
         Distance between two points in a vertical plane
      Horizontal angle
         A horizontal angle is an angle formed in a  horizontal plane by two intersecting horizontal lines.
      Vertical angle
         A Vertical angle is formed by two intersecting  lines in a vertical plane, one of these lines horizontal.
Measurements & Instrumentation What is measured?
–To calculate areas, volumes, etc.
–To draw plans, maps, etc.
–Both horizontal and vertical
–Levels or elevations
How are these measured and which the instrument should I use?
      Distances (horizontal)
-Chaining, Taping (steel tape), tachometer  (theodolite), electronic (EDM, GPS)
-tachometer (theodolite, total station),
-leveling (level, theodolite, total station)
Instruments For Measuring Distances

       Two main methods for measuring distances. (Linear  Measurements)
A. Direct Method
       By chain or Tape or  other Instruments  directly
B. Indirect method
       Distance is obtained by  calculation
eg: Triangulation
Direct Measurement
All methods/ Instruments are available
1.    Pacing
2.    Passometer
3.    Pedometer
4.    Odometer
5.    Speedometer
6.    Perambulator
7.    Judging distance
8. Time Measurement
      Most Common method is the method of  measuring the distance with a Chain or Tape, Called  Chaining.
         For Ordinary work (less Precision) The chain is Used.
         For Great Accuracy Steel Tape is used.
         with Chain.  with Tape.
         The chain is composed of 100-150 pieces of  galvanized mild steel called LINKS.
Different Types of Chain
      Following are the various types of chain in  common use:
1)   Metric chains
   2) Steel band or Band chain
3)   Gunter` s chain or surveyors chain
4)   Engineers chain
5)   Revenue chain)
         Tapes are made of different materials
      1) Cloth or linen tape
-Used for subsidiary measurements
-Very light, easy to handle
-May effect by moisture
      2) Metric steel tape
-Made of steel
-Outer the end is provided with a ring for holding
      3) Invar tape
-Used for high precision work
-Made of alloy steel
     4) Synthetic tape
-Made of glass fiber with PVC coating
- These are used for short measurements
        Principle of Surveying
      Two Fundamental Principles
1. To work from the Whole to the Part, not from the part to the Whole.
e.g. set out the mainframe first, and add details onto the frame.
Object of this system is to prevent the accumulation of errors and to control and localized minor errors.
2. To Fix Position of New point (Station) by at  least two         independent processes.
New The station can be fixed from points already fixed
By 1) Linear measurement 2) Angular measurement 3) or Both
Direct Ranging
It Is used while ranging on a plain ground,  when two points are indivisible.
1.    » Fix the ranging rods at the two given stations.
2.    » The follower stand behind station A and directs the leader, with  ranging rod to come in line with AB by signals of ranging
3.    » When the ranging rod comes in the line of AB the follower directs the leader to fix the ranging rod in position.
4.    » Let the intermediate point be C which should be less than 100 feet.
                 Now the leader has taken another ranging rod and stands between A and B about 2/3  distance from A
     » The follower directs the leader to come in line of AB by using signals of ranging.
     » As and when the point is located in the line of AB the follower instructs to fix the ranging rod in position.
      » Let the other intermediate position be D which is less than 100 feet from B
      » Now A, B, C, and D are in one line.
2. In Direct Ranging
This type of ranging is carried out when two sides are not indivisible.
Chaining of a Line
         Two men are required
      1. Leader   2. Follower
      Duties of Leader:
       To drag the chain
       To insert arrows at the end of survey chain length
       To obey instructions of the follower
       Duties of Follower:
       To place leader in line with ranging rod
       Always carry the rear handle in his hand
       To pick up the arrows inserted by the leaders.
Errors in Length due to incorrect Chain
         The most common errors are that the chain may be  too long or too short.
         It will be corrected by using the formula
The length of a line = L’/L * (Measured Distance)

         If the chain is too long then the measured length will be smaller than  the actual, so the error is negative and the correction is positive.
         If the chain is too short then the measured length will be too long that is longer than the actual, so the error is positive and the correction is negative.   
         Prepared by Imad al Abdallah         
                             Thank you
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